Wednesday 19 November 2014

Found Pictures - Another Dylusions Canvas

Afternoon all. 
I was supposed to post these pictures with the other canvas but I couldn't find them!!!! Typical that I found them right after I had posted the last post. Ah well at least I found them. 

This canvas is an 8x12 and the background is done in the same way as the last one just using different colours of Amsterdam Paints. 

The main image is from dylusions stamp sets "shrooms" and survivor. 

 The mushrooms are from "shrooms" and I just used some washi tape to ground them. I used a uni-ball signo white pen over all the polka dots. 

The words are again dylusions and are from the "say it how it is" set. 

All supplies can be found at Art From The Heart. 

Thank you for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!!!! I love your canvas, fantastic work. Thanks so much for entering my blog candy.
